
Life has been busy in our house lately. One of the things that has kept me me busy was Littlest Prince’s journey to the North American Nationals in Irish Dance (NANs). The Little Prince, with the compassion of a well trained councilor & the fire of his birth sign; Leo, has more strength than anyone else I know. People have always commented on how busy my scehdule in the evenings is, and then I tell those same people that I can’t believe how Little Prince does it. Every day for more than 3 months Little Prince went to school all day then would come home eat & head off to either 3 hours of dance class or 2 hours of soccer training. He spent a 4 day weekend training for dance, missing two birthday parties. My job was simply to get him there, I had no prompting to do, he was the driving force behind this schedule, he set a goal this year NANs and in 2 years hopes & dreams of dancing in Worlds. I look at this drive as a drive to go to the Olympics, the Olympics of Irish Dance. On father’s Day weekend Little Prince & I attended the Toronto screening of Jig http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ4D2cg48uw this journey of kids as young as 10 years old pushing themselves to perfection to compete in the highest level of Irish Dance possible has hooked my youngest and given him the goal to strive for this dream.


I have people ask me all of the time why I put him in dance, I don’t really have a better reason than he has this special little glow about him, a stage presence. Sure there were times in the first year that he would rather be home playing. But then he goes to a feis or he learns a new step at class, he loves it.

He has been dancing for going on 3 years now. Every time he dances he impresses me. He gets on the stage surrounded by girls (yes teens love it, but not so much little Princes), then he lights up that little smile that says I’ve got one in my back pocket and he does.

All of his hard work is obvious. Last November he was asked to compete at the Eastern Canadian Oirechtas. The stage is massive, and there is a judging panel but he doesn’t mind. He climbs those stairs, ok in one instance trips up the stage but in true Princely style breaks the tension with his spring and smile, and stands strong ready for the music to lead into the first step.

With all of this hard work comes the fun of Pub Crawling on St. Patricks Day, not university style pub crawling but dancing from pub to pub!


After the viewing of Jig in June his outlook changed, the littlest Prince has set his goals for the World, the Worlds of Irish Dance. He will go through giving up party invitations, and miss out on playdates, but he will do it for the goal. I will help him every step of the way.


The summer soccer season is coming to an end, with 3 Princes playing that means 3 teams. 3 teams, that would mean 3 days a week you say, not so bad, well 3 games a week , that is a lot of soccer. Take for instance middle Prince his team has played this week Monday- Monday (coming) 4 games; Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and then Monday. Now add the other two and their soccer schedule and practices 7 days a week, most days on two pitches. That is a lot, its a lot for the kids, its a lot for their families and it is a lot for their parents who love the game, love their kids enough to drive them all over Timbuktu. But we do it cause we love it!

When I met my husband he was playing soccer with two teams, maybe I should have packed up my bags and ran. But how was I to guess that I would end up with 3Princes, 3Princes who love sports, who love soccer. O.K. yes maybe their love for the beautiful game was inbred, maybe it was a given, maybe its accidental, whatever the case we are entrenched in the sport.

I love watching my Princes in everything they do, I puff like a peacock when they do something extraordinary, and I beam from ear to ear  all giddy when they prove that they are Princes. I get excited when they do well in soccer, cheering as loud as the best of them when they win a penalty, strike the ball for the best outcome, or make that perfect dive as Last-Man!

With 3 boys and only one of me, I can’t possibly see all of each of their games, but I do my best to set them up for the best outcome. I ensure that the entire day is setup for the game; from checking the bags to diet to giving them a bit of a routine to rely on. I do not go over game plays, pay them for goals scored/ goals saved, or threaten them. This is all up to them. Each of the boys train 2 to 3 times a week, they know what to do, they know how to play the game. I am not in there sweating it out for a win, just sitting on the sidelines ooohing and ahhhing, clapping & cheering with every step.

Now comes an end to the outdoor season, the boys have all improved this summer, their fitness is at its peak, they are agile & smart. I need to book at the hair salon to deal with the wisps of grey that I earned this season.

Go Panthers Go! Go Clarkson Go! Go Panthers Go!

(sometimes I just scream R U N!)

Help Out a Worthy Cause

Living in Mississauga is a multicultural experience, if you are a bit of a foodie like me you enjoy the tastes that this cultural mash-up can bring. Maybe you enjoy listening to music or watching dancers perform at local multicultural events such as Carrasauga. These new tastes & sounds come from new immigrants, new Canadians. Some of these newcomers come to this new home with support from their community and find the adjustment easy, they transition into our seasons with the clothing they need, and find the income to furnish their homes never wanting for food. Then there are those who come here running; running from danger, from torn families, torn communities or a dangerous government. Many of them scarred from their past and they need a hand to rebuild. Sometimes the people who need assistance are our neighbours, someone we know from our commute to work, or a parent we see in passing at our kids school, fleeing from a bad relationship and going into new experiences tentatively.

More and more families in Mississauga are turning to the community for help. More of our friends and neighbours are needing to rebuild, and may be turning to the Mississauga Furniture Bank to rebuild their homes and the Mississauga Food Bank to put food on their table.

The Mississauga Food Bank and The Mississauga Furniture Bank are there to assist with these transitions. Today both of these worthy charities are seeking the much needed donations. $10 from 100 people will go a lot farther with these charitable organizations than $10 at the local drive-thru.

The Mississauga Furniture Bank is the newest charitable organization in Mississauga and they have just received the prestigious Trillium Grant; enabling them to build the organization into a much needed community assistance group.

The Mississauga Furniture Bank recycles new and nearly new furniture that helps families furnish their home. The furniture is donated from corporations and people like you and me. The Mississauga Furniture Bank is helping in an entirely different way than we have seen before; they are furnishing homes. The families who are selected may be refugees, single parents, the elderly and victims of domestic violence or victims of household tragedies such as a fire. The people who receive assistance from the Mississauga Furniture Bank are referred by social agencies, religious organizations and community shelters throughout the city.

Many of us are redecorating our homes, what do you do with the old furniture? As I drive through my own community I often see perfectly good sofa sets, dinettes, dressers and entertainment units, these items could help furnish someone else’s home. Don’t put it out on the curb, don’t gift it to a niece or nephew for their first apartment (they don’t really want every aunt & uncles kitchen set), donate it to the Furniture Bank.

Mission and Vision

The mission of the MFB is to provide basic household furnishing and home essentials to individuals and families who are in need. We work to achieve this by collaborating with Mississauga social service agencies whose clients desperately need furniture.

It is our long-term vision to see that EVERY child in Mississauga has a bed to sleep in and every family in Mississauga living with dignity in a properly-furnished home.

Interested in helping out the Mississauga Furniture Bank, or finding out more about this new charity visit; http://www.mississaugafurniturebank.org/

Mississauga Food Bank

The Mississauga Food Bank has been assisting families in Mississauga for 25 years. For 25 years people living in Mississauga have relied on donations. Sometimes people only need enough food to get them to the next paycheck. Others need assistance with staples so they can buy produce, whatever the need it is easy to donate! In Canada we pride ourselves in sending aid to far away countries, although there are many people right on our doorstep that struggle to put food on their table, they struggle to feed their kids. Some of these families in need are new to Canada and only need assistance for a short time. Others are seniors whose pensions were well planned, but in the turns of life they now find themselves struggling to buy that can of soup. No matter the reason behind using the Food Banks, every Mississaugan should have food to eat and the Mississauga Food Bank is there to help.

Raid your pantry for a bag of staples or stop in at your local supermarket to pick up the most needed items; beans (canned & dried), peanut butter, pasta, a bag of rice and Kraft Dinner or canned fish. And the best bit, you can drop off the bag of groceries at your local fire hall, now that’s easy! For more details visit http://www.themississaugafoodbank.org/?np=1

Skip the Friday night movie in the theatre and donate that money, $10 can go a long way to supporting the community in Mississauga.

Or give your time, help sort, help move, and help deliver. Visit the website and see how you can best support these local charities.

It feels good to give!

 The following programs are also available to residents of Mississauga.


7060 Airport Road (Airport & Derry) 
Website: www.maltonfoodbank.org

3051 Battleford Rd. (At Winston Churchill, in Eden United Church) 
Website: www.edenfoodbank.org

5715 Coopers Ave. Unit 4 (North of Matheson, East side of Kennedy Rd.) 
Website: www.stmarysfb.com

905.890-09001699 Dundas East (East of Dixie Rd) 
Website: www.stmarysfb.com

3185 Unity Drive Unit #2 (At Winston Churchill) 
Website: www.edenfoodbank.org

905. 274.9309
310 Lakeshore Road West (West of Mississauga Rd.) 
Website: www.thecompass.ca

3413 Wolfedale Rd, Unit 10 (South of Central Parkway) 
Website: www.sevafoodbank.ca


I have been lucky!

Very lucky!

o.k. some-days not so lucky, but for 13 years I have been afforded the ability to stay at home & raise the 3 Princes.

I have not been home without an income, I have taken on odd jobs, sold children’s books, & always provided extras for the boys but now I am looking at new ways to provide & the amazing expense of orthodontics. Now after so many years at home I am looking at the new challenge in my life; how to  provide the extras for the boyz as they are growing older, those extras like cell phones & video games, & bigger items like braces. Yes 2 out of 3 are needing braces, not for cosmetics but needs, & the littlest prince is still loosing those milk teeth so who knows if he will need. Without the insurance to cover the expense of the metal wires I am now being forced to show my hand & pick up a new one. After this many years my life is changing & how none of us will know until reality hits.

Life with the boys is always full of challenges, this is a big one; work/ parenting balance .  Can I do this as successfully as so many of my friends? How will the boys fare when I am not here after school? And when am I supposed to do that ever growing laundry pile, the dishes, groceries & cooking? I know other moms do it, & many of them do it well, but I don’t know that I am that type of mom if I can keep organized enough, I know I don’t have the time to do it all. And I know that when I am not here the boys bend the rules, eat junk & spend too much time on X-Box live & Facebook. We won’t even mention how they become physical & the trucker language that I see when they are bored.

So if any of you have a job that pays well that I can do from home & is a real & legal job let me know, that or a sugar-daddy.

On our recent family trip to South Africa we drove the Trans Sky from Durban to Cape Town I learned to appreciate what I have with the 3Princes.

I consider myself educated when it comes to life in third world countries. South Africa has a mix of the best and the worst. Cape Town is  modern, I could see my self living there, even with the dangers of the Townships. We had been to South Africa 3 years ago so I knew what the townships looked like and saw how much had changed this time since the last time we were there. I understand the cultures, and see the values in the way they live staying connected with family. But knowing of these hardships, understanding how they have chosen to live or the situation that they have found themselves in can’t be described or understood through pictures but I hope you can get a sense through my pictures and words.

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Its these images that serve as a reminder to me of  how lucky I truly am, how lucky the 3Princes truly are, and how by no choice of their own how one person can be born into… I do have some things in common with these people in my photos, they belong to a community and their moms love them as much as I love my own Princes. I am sure these moms have chosen their children’s names with as much care and thought as I have. That these moms want the world for their children. That they live their life giving to their family and their community. That everyday they get up and hope that today will be the best day.

My differences are much greater than my similarities to these moms. They have worries that few of us will ever be able to comprehend. I can not imagine. Would I get sleep if I didn’t know when we were having our next meal, or if there would be enough food to go around. If I knew that children around the world were being born into homes where they could get an education, and mine would never read or write. Could I keep going if my children were more likely to die of illness before they are ten or know that they are unlikely to get a job but live a life crime.

As Mommy’s Day draws nearer, please think about being a mom in a Township on the Trans Sky. Love your children as much as these moms do, give them everything you can; these moms do.

Trying to give the 3Princes experiences, and let them explore and express their interests is not always easy. I am trying to raise 3Princes into Gentle-men, this process is a long one.

Besides raising three boys  which yes is; loud, physical, messy-come-filthy, and often stinky I want them to have experiences I didn’t experience. The first step in this long process is giving up a part of me. I left my job to raise them, I was fast tracking but staying home wasn’t that hard to do when I saw that little face needing me. I truly feel the importance of me being at home, even now that the youngest is in full time school.  Not everyone in my family thinks this, you see.

My mommy job has included homeschooling (now driving to school,) making meals, doing laundry, cleaning (not my strong point, but I have a hurricane arrive everyday around 3pm that doesn’t fade until sometime after 10pm), driving; lots and lots of driving. Now the only aspect that I don’t officially do is homeschooling in the same sense as say 19 Kids & Counting  http://tlc.howstuffworks.com/tv/19-kids-and-counting  but the spirit is still the same helping them learn to read and write, math games, trips to; museums, zoos and parks.

Now I am finding that to give them as much of what I want to I need to earn some money somehow, that or find that elusive money tree. In this quest for money I have sent out feelers, anyone know of a job 10-3pm that pays well? Afterall my time is valuable. No-one replied. So I am doing what I can. I started a fledgling business offering office administration assistance; GirlFriday Administrators.

Those trips aren’t my only expense in this quest to raise these 3. Littlest Prince is a competitive Irish Dancer, with this he dreams of competing at Nashville for the North American Nationals and then to make it to Worlds! It is entirley possible, but with this dream comes expenses; dance shoes*, custom dance pants, custom vest, hotel stays, travel… but he is just that good.


I have taken on a lot to get him his dream to come true. He is young, he trains hard, and with his schedule of soccer training and his Irish Dance training he doesn’t have a night off during the week. He is acutely aware of this, but wants this dream. He loves the stage, he loves the dance, and mostly he loves the competition! I am happy to work to get him there if he continues to work hard to get there.

The Middle Prince is a keeper for a rep. soccer team. He has 3-4 practices a week plus goalie training and games. This is his dream, the one thing he likes more than anything else. If he didn’t have soccer he would spend his free time on the computer or watching t.v.  This love for the game comes with a price, total exhaustion and money! He has set his sights high but not to an unattainable height. My Prince wants to be keeper for Team Canada! He’s 12 years old in a week, he’s at the perfect age to get it right, to train hard and to show what he can do.

The eldest, my first born. He is a passionate soccer player, a striker with a shot to make most goalies humble. He loves the game it is a part of his being. This year he discovered another talent, he is a drummer. He has been taking lessons at T-Rox Music Academy http://t-rox.ca/  and more than anything he has found something that his brothers can’t do! He has earned a position in his school performance band. I love that he has found something that he can express himself.  Between soccer and drums he, too, is busy.  His rep. soccer team trains 3-4 times a week, and he takes music lessons weekly plus band practice and practice at home.


These 3Princes are why I do what I do, why I get up early and go to bed late. Why I work on building a business and network everywhere I go. I don’t have fancy clothes or get my nails done, but I do have 3Princes who are growing to be Gentle-Men and I hope that one day I can step back and be thrilled with everything that they have achieved.  In the end I can sleep later and what good is a fancy manicure if my hands are soaking in dishwater?

*Littlest Prince prefers to wear Rutherford Reel shoes; Capezio Split Sole Jazz Shoes With Hy Tech Heels & Rutherford Heavies;  Super Black Suede Sole Flexi Jig Shoe 

We are a soccer family!



Greenpoint Stadium, Cape Town South Africa

We took a short hiatus from our soccer world for our trip half way around the world, 5 weeks in hubby’s birth town Cape Town, South Africa. Ok not a full hiatus since hubby played in an ex-pats tournie for the first 10 days of our trip and the boyz wore their soccer boots everyday, and then gave them to some young players in Durban, S.A. But now that we are back, we are quickly getting back into the swing of a regular soccer schedule; every day of the week another soccer pitch.

All three boyz play competitive soccer; Rep. level, which means 2 practices a week and a development session plus games. I sometimes wonder how I keep it going, being on the go all of the time, and how they aren’t absolutely exhausted all of the time, but they keep going, keep striving for…

The boyz have always been involved in soccer, I suppose it can’t be helped, their daddy plays, their Pa played professionally in South Africa, and well I played in high school, not on a team or anything, but with the boys a year or two up from me during spare (ahem, class.) It’s inherent, natural, the norm.

Sometimes I find the whole soccer thing a challenge, watching them get hurt, watching them be defeated and feel defeated, or listening to the criticism from other parents, or worse coaches. I know that they all dream of playing big some day, each of them supporting a different pro team. The eldest Prince is a  Manchester U/Team England he plays like Beckham, he should play where he played. Prince #2 wears the blue of  Chelsea, but his dreams are very different than his older brother’s he wants to be keeper for team Canada one day (that would make a proud mommy moment, and is entirely possible with enough work and determination.) Prince #3; the baby of the family cheers for Real Madrid, not sure what the draw to a Spanish league team is, but I am happy he has picked a team he can cheer loudly for.

Now soccer hasn’t always been, and isn’t our only focus, though my front entrance seems to think differently. The older boys spent two years in gymnastics, have tried Tae Kwon Do and enjoy swimming. Prince #1 can pick up any sport just from watching it and could be competitive in any number of arenas. Prince #1 is comedic and thoroughly enjoys improv situations. I signed him up at Second City in Toronto for a session, and he said it was the best day of his life. Who knows, maybe he will head towards the stage, entertaining people with his wit and charm, and a little accent that he is honing. He also enjoys playing the drums and this year he is enrolled in drum lessons where yet again he is excelling. He is so lucky that he can do the things that he loves.


My middle Prince, my talker, my thinker, the boy who likes to see how things work. He is going to be a heart-breaker. He is athletic, and smart, has amazing friends, and lets life go. It will be something to see where his life leads, and if he really does become that lawyer, politician, or radio personality or if he continues to explore and tinker going into engineering or sciences. He is everyones friend and helps you when you need it.


The littlest Prince not only plays soccer with passion but dances competitive Irish Dance. Yes I am a feis mom, but not a crazy stage mom, honest. He has been dancing for a bit better than two years. This is where that little baby in the hospital with the smiling eyes is all alight. Its like a little switch is flicked and he lights the stage. Even one of the owners of the dance school couldn’t believe the difference between the boy in the dance class working through the steps and the poised firecracker on stage; hitting the beats, hitting his bum, lifting his kicks and shining. He is now training to compete in the North American Nationals, day after day, practice after practice, hour after hour he loves it. What could be better than that?

I am so lucky to have these Princes in my life, the little miracles that they are, even when they push me to my utmost threshold of patience I can look at them and say they are strong and independent, athletic and smart, they are little Gentle-Men.

Life raising boyz and grooming them into princes can be harder than most would think. The obstacles are great; the influences are plenty, and my exhaustion wanes.

It starts the day they are born.

  • The in-law family is all proud; carrying on the family name, their son was able to make a son, yadda yadda.
  • My family is proud, a baby is born, aren’t they beautiful? Don’t they look smart?
  • The dad friends are happy that daddy will be out drinking again soon; aka tonight since mom and baby are busy in the hospital for a few hours.
  • The mom friends are happy, they either want you to join them, or they are waiting for their turn (ticking egg clock.)
  • I am happy a baby is born, there are ten fingers and ten toes, he screams with lungs that could have only come from his side of the family (except in my case where I was told my whole life that I could scream/cry to wake the dead, and then spent the better part of 20 years singing.) I can now roll over to sleep. He has my… wait he looks just like his dad, nothing of me, if I hadn’t pushed him out… honestly. He is my Prince Charming and forever we will carry a bond; first born son and mommy, legendary.

Life is amazing a baby is born!

Seven months later I am pregnant again, my baby is beautiful, he is sure to be…just like his dad, can I not give birth to a boy that has some of my traits? He is so different than his older brother, he cries, oh he cries a lot. (As a preteen I now know that he was just preparing me for my very talkative lawyer-like boy)

We paused and five years, got pregnant again, we are so excited. Why does everyone keep asking if we are trying for a girl? I gave birth to our last baby, our baby boy, what a thrill a treasure. He smiles with his eyes at us in the hospital. He draws people to him, he is alight and people want to be around him.

3 boyz  3 different little people. I try to be patient. I love them until it hurts. I want them to be independent. Teaching them to love each other, love books, love sports, appreciate what they have, appreciate family and animals.

Today they are 13, almost 12 and 7 years old. I still have a sense of who my princes are. They really haven’t changed much since the day I brought them home. Prince #1 is fiercely independent (shy), the leader (play by his rules) entrepreneurial (read money hungry.) And a super athlete being able to pick any sport and play it with conviction. He uses his skills mostly on the soccer pitch leading his team to a win with strikes that even seasoned keepers find hard to track. He has the dry wit of the English, and plays with this artistic aspect (he is following in his mommy’s footsteps here.) Prince #2 still makes noise; he talks a mile a minute, he challenges peoples thoughts and wants to know why you think the way you think (there’s that lawyer again, or politician; god help me.) But he is compassionate; he thinks of others and is always happy to help. He likes order and cleanliness (he was born to the wrong mom, although I clean daily, this house is never clean, it’s full of boyz.) He; like his brother, loves soccer and is recognized throughout the region as a keeper for his action and tenacity. Prince #3, my love-bug; so happy he came along (most days) but he challenges me, he’s philosophical, needing to understand life. He is loving and will often come back hours or even days later still thinking about something he did wrong and trying to make amends. He is still drawing people in; people want to be his friend, want to know what he is doing and just be with him. He is the performer of the family. He is always singing, he is passionate about soccer, the whole family is, but where he really shines is on the Irish dance stage challenging for the big win.

How am I going to raise them into Princes? The mould is always flexing, but I hope that they can learn to be courteous, generous, caring, passionate and well rounded. I’ve started with not peeing on the toilet! Remember please and thank you, and teaching them to be Gentle-Men. Now to get them to stop fighting over alpha-male.