
Posts Tagged ‘princes’

We are a soccer family!



Greenpoint Stadium, Cape Town South Africa

We took a short hiatus from our soccer world for our trip half way around the world, 5 weeks in hubby’s birth town Cape Town, South Africa. Ok not a full hiatus since hubby played in an ex-pats tournie for the first 10 days of our trip and the boyz wore their soccer boots everyday, and then gave them to some young players in Durban, S.A. But now that we are back, we are quickly getting back into the swing of a regular soccer schedule; every day of the week another soccer pitch.

All three boyz play competitive soccer; Rep. level, which means 2 practices a week and a development session plus games. I sometimes wonder how I keep it going, being on the go all of the time, and how they aren’t absolutely exhausted all of the time, but they keep going, keep striving for…

The boyz have always been involved in soccer, I suppose it can’t be helped, their daddy plays, their Pa played professionally in South Africa, and well I played in high school, not on a team or anything, but with the boys a year or two up from me during spare (ahem, class.) It’s inherent, natural, the norm.

Sometimes I find the whole soccer thing a challenge, watching them get hurt, watching them be defeated and feel defeated, or listening to the criticism from other parents, or worse coaches. I know that they all dream of playing big some day, each of them supporting a different pro team. The eldest Prince is a  Manchester U/Team England he plays like Beckham, he should play where he played. Prince #2 wears the blue of  Chelsea, but his dreams are very different than his older brother’s he wants to be keeper for team Canada one day (that would make a proud mommy moment, and is entirely possible with enough work and determination.) Prince #3; the baby of the family cheers for Real Madrid, not sure what the draw to a Spanish league team is, but I am happy he has picked a team he can cheer loudly for.

Now soccer hasn’t always been, and isn’t our only focus, though my front entrance seems to think differently. The older boys spent two years in gymnastics, have tried Tae Kwon Do and enjoy swimming. Prince #1 can pick up any sport just from watching it and could be competitive in any number of arenas. Prince #1 is comedic and thoroughly enjoys improv situations. I signed him up at Second City in Toronto for a session, and he said it was the best day of his life. Who knows, maybe he will head towards the stage, entertaining people with his wit and charm, and a little accent that he is honing. He also enjoys playing the drums and this year he is enrolled in drum lessons where yet again he is excelling. He is so lucky that he can do the things that he loves.


My middle Prince, my talker, my thinker, the boy who likes to see how things work. He is going to be a heart-breaker. He is athletic, and smart, has amazing friends, and lets life go. It will be something to see where his life leads, and if he really does become that lawyer, politician, or radio personality or if he continues to explore and tinker going into engineering or sciences. He is everyones friend and helps you when you need it.


The littlest Prince not only plays soccer with passion but dances competitive Irish Dance. Yes I am a feis mom, but not a crazy stage mom, honest. He has been dancing for a bit better than two years. This is where that little baby in the hospital with the smiling eyes is all alight. Its like a little switch is flicked and he lights the stage. Even one of the owners of the dance school couldn’t believe the difference between the boy in the dance class working through the steps and the poised firecracker on stage; hitting the beats, hitting his bum, lifting his kicks and shining. He is now training to compete in the North American Nationals, day after day, practice after practice, hour after hour he loves it. What could be better than that?

I am so lucky to have these Princes in my life, the little miracles that they are, even when they push me to my utmost threshold of patience I can look at them and say they are strong and independent, athletic and smart, they are little Gentle-Men.

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